Our experienced technical sales and design teams understand the demands of infrastructure construction and thrive on the challenge of delivering safe, practical and efficient solutions. FormShore has supplied many significant civil projects from Northland to the Bluff.
State Highway 25A
Case Study

FormShore supplied formwork and shoring systems to the team that built the new bridge on SH25A to the Coromandel in 2023. Within a week of being commissioned, FormShore supplied construction drawings and materials to site.
Our Auckland team supported the site with regular visits, including urgent deliveries to meet the ambitious programme.
Omaroro Reservoir, Wellington
Case Study

FormShore supplied the soldier beams and LVLs required to support the roof on this major piece of Wellington infrastructure.
Working closely with WorkZone Scaffolds, we formed part of an NZS Group team that provided a seamless supply and installation package.
Seaview Wharf, Wellington
Case Study

FormShore designed and supplied the support systems for the pre-cast concrete deck on the extension and renovation of the Seaview fuel wharf in Wellington Harbour.
This project utilised our soldier beams as brackets and platforms, bearers and conventional formwork. FormShore’s engineers worked closely with the client’s engineers and delivery team to ensure a safe and practical solution was delivered to site.
Kaitoke Bridge, Wellington
Case Study

The Kaitoke bridge was built as part of the resilience project for Wellington’s water supply.
FormShore supplied a deck support system which could be built on the river bank and craned into place, minimising the risk of working over the river.
Our Systems
Formshore supplies the Meva suite of formwork panel systems. FormShore AluFix is ideal for hand assembled formwork with concrete pressures up to 50kN. FormShore StarTec is the steel framed panel for larger pours. FormShore MultiForm is our conventional system accommodating complex forms and high concrete pressures.
FormShore Soldiers and the FormShore 80 ringlock propping system cover requirements for supporting concrete structures during construction.